Thursday, October 2, 2014


"They said she would pursue me for the 
rest of my life."...Tom Watson, British MP, 
in his on-going efforts to reverse the 
pursuit against him by Rupert Murdoch's 
former News Corp executive, Rebecca 
Brooks. "Our Miss Brooks" recently beat 
a jail term. Too bad.

Cell phone hacking by Rupert Murdoch's 
News Corp., NSA or Dick Cheney is truly 
small time as is the NSA's PRISM program 
which was restarted in 2007 by the same 

The following exactly mimics schizophrenia and, as such, always provides
plausible deniability which means no one like Rebecca Brooks ever gets caught.

Occasionally, while "sleeping", individuals are 
allowed to witness their own minds and dreams 
being programmed. Nonsensical words stream 
into the brain as audible hypnotic whispers from 
remote digital software recordings or bot software. 
Half asleep targets "see" (not dream) a graphic 
projection of their own nervous system responding 
to each word heard with hills and valleys like 
graphics of EEG signatures. This imposed 
projected image is not a visual hallucination. 
It is meant to be a demo, a demonstration 
that simple linear commands can be substituted 
for gibberish to program and direct not only 
dreaming, but can be used to suggest, "nudge", 
manipulate future waking behavior. Don't ask 
me how this works but it does. In other rare 
waking scenarios, thousands of speeded up 
words are heard streaming in mid-air in an 
acoustic circular vortex pattern directed at 
the brain. Can the brain make sense of a 
message containing thousands of words 
and act on it kind of like a program? I 
doubt it but what do I know?

After a lifetime of little to no dreaming, the 
individual now has nightly controlled 
suggested dreams.  Personal life is and 
always was minimized and controlled, 
initially below consciousness with the
person slowly made aware of what is 
happening. At the point of awareness 
the target realizes that his life, as he 
thought he knew it, is over. 

In a lifetime of controlled reality, occasional 
female partners are provided which are 
always thought to be spontaneous 
encounters. (Hah!) The passive 
aggressive viciousness on the part of 
some of these "partners" would make a 
psychopath blush, if they knew how, with 
envy. Others provide something resembling 
a positive influence.

All of this can be  be made to seem like 
snarky psychotic sour grapes or feeble 
delusional efforts to get sympathy as a 
victim or just manifestations of a paranoid 
mind. And again, that would be incorrect.

I said it gets worse and better. The technology 
is used to takes years, many years off the 
age of people. It slows down aging. When 
seen again 40+ years petty officer Lusher, 
for example, appears the same as when 
seen in the late sixties. Former bosses 
from fifty years back look neither young
and far from their true age by many years. 
Surgery, hair dye or make-up is doubtful to
account for any or all of it. Remote tech plus 
little sleep (two hours) and little food (vegetarian) 
might account for some of it.

Though remote neural influence or "Voice of God" 
technology is not supernatural, even so, it all 
sounds impossible, implausible, exaggerated, 
psychotic, almost like, well, magic. Money is no 
object as long as the subject, who has been 
surveilled for many years, is kept alive, followed, 
tracked, kept functioning, looking normal, 
programmed, controlled. 

IOW, I'm guessing, protect the investment  
and keep the bloody contract money coming 
in a "faith based" direction. Imperious operators 
are not motivated by money. That conservative 
religious lay organizations are a source of 
recruitment is also a guess. Opus Dei, Pius X, 
 Christi, Knights of Columbus, orphanages, 
seminaries and their families might be just a 
small part. For awhile "they" verbally self identified 
as being Knights of Columbus. My father was a 
member and persuaded me in my twenties. But, 
as always, anything said directly is a lie or 

The same has been said about the mutterings 
of auditory hallucinations from the mentally ill 
and it will stay that way until proof can be 
provided by insiders working with all this 
shit-house madness. It'll also never happen.

Working Out The Bugs - ANDREW SULLIVAN 
brings us the "all-seeing eye" of the
once and future HAL 9000 AI (conscious?) 
computer. "There is a serious problem Dave..."
Yes HAL, I can "see" that

Well golly, "HAL" you high functioning moron, you already seem to know what I'm going to do before I do or at least your
programmer underlings do. How is that possible?

Some of the piped in singsong "driving" baby-talk heard every night goes like this, "This-is-how, this is how, this is how, we are going to-be doing this". After awhile it sounds like, "this is HAL, this is HAL, this is hell we are going to be doing this" after about 2001 repetitions over a period of years. And yes, it didn't begin but
got much more aggressive after Nov. 11th, 2001. Just coincidence. 

Ross Andersen worries about artificial intelligence gaining power over us: It is tempting to think that programming empathy into an AI would be easy, but designing a friendly machine is more difficult than it looks. You could give it a benevolent goal — something cuddly and utilitarian, like maximising human happiness. But an AI might think that human happiness is a biochemical phenomenon. It might think that flooding your bloodstream with non-lethal doses of heroin is the best way to maximise your happiness. It might also predict that shortsighted humans will fail to see the wisdom of its interventions. It might plan out a sequence of cunning chess moves to insulate itself from resistance. Maybe it would surround itself with impenetrable defenses, or maybe it would confine humans — in prisons of undreamt of efficiency.


Well not quite undreamt, but very efficient.

As said...NSA cell phone hacking is truly small stuff.

FINAL RANT WARNING: All of which means that US Republican conservative fear mongering about government has much truth to it since it is government that funds some or all of this.
Republicans, in effect, hate and fear THEMSELVES. They hate government and at the same 
time embody government as long as they are allowed to run it and have full access to Dept. of Defense budgets.

They want to restrict the size of government that isn't devoted to the DoD. It comes down to southern style socialism or "Weaponized Keynesianism" accounting for three wars, Iraq, AfPak, and wars on  terror and an army, literally, of private contractors (800, 000+) and their publicly paid government counterparts. The GOP solution for unemployment in the South, including US troops, depends economically on the government they hate so much. The South receives much more tax money from the rest of the country than contributed. The aging Tea Party is a prime recipient of Social Security programs and Medicare which they know they receive but at the same time "unknow" it because it is 


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